Stop using tools for Lo-fi!!

Regu Nathan
2 min readNov 22, 2020


The most common mistake all the Designer’s do is starting their works directly into high-fi prototypes, even for Illustration, art-work and uiux designs.

There’s no low or high fidelity, just the correct fidelity. - Andy

To get the correct fidelity, push yourself with sketching the fidelity with pencil and paper.

The more paper toss into the bin leads to more clarity to your design. - Regunathan

Sketching UX:

Sketching something is important that neglect the flow before the stakeholders point out, also using more physical tools and options will make your brain think logically leads to a better user understanding.

Tools I use : White paper, Sticky notes, Pencil (you can use color pen), highlighter and books !

Books ?

Yes, books about phycology to understand humans minds.

When I get into loop while thinking about workflows and user interaction, to pull out my brain out of a loop I use books it makes and totally good way of distracting from a loop than sticking to a loop and finding a way.

Books I read :

  • Think fast and slow
  • Design of everyday things
  • 100 things every designer need to know about people

Let me know your book choices in comments !

Stop using digital tools and starting using physical tools.



Regu Nathan

Designer | Developer | Tech Enthusiast | Learn something Geeky | Learn something New ///